have a start and an end date, don't rely on remembering whento stop the ads, it's better to set from the start how long you need theFacebook campaigns to run . For online stores – Homepage, category page orproduct page? A beautiful dress in a carousel is sure to attract a woman'sattention, but when she clicks on the link, she is directed to the store'shomepage. Whoever set the ad followed the principle - let the user see whatbeautiful outfits are on the site, maybe he wants to buy something else. If welook at this redirect from the site visitor's shoes, it's not very comfortable- he probably leaves the store immediately, because he didn't find what he waslooking for. So, if you advertise in which you focus on the product, link it tothe respective product page,
so that the potential customer can find details, price,benefits. That way you have a Italy WhatsApp Number Data better chance of buying. In addition, if you wantthem to discover other products, then optimize the website pages and offersuggestions for similar or complementary products to the one that caught theirattention in the first place. Techniques borrowed from journalism that help acontent writer To write anything,. In addition,perspective sets you apart. See at the end what is specific to the advertisingtext and not found in the journalistic one. by Ioana December 29, 20222 minutesIoana Amariutei Popa content writer Story Seeker Not many people know thatIoana Amăriuței Popa, the founder of Story Seeker, was a journalist for 9years. She
was nominated for the awards of the Romanian Press Club, forradio reporting, in 2004, when she was still a student, and Cristian TudorPopescu was the president of the club. He interviewed the greatest politiciansof the time, carried out incisive investigations, but above all he wrote. Hespent most of his years at Ziarul de Iasi . Practically in her pen are morethan 18 years of continuous writing, and training as a journalist helps a lotin the agency. How? She tells us herself! The perspective you write from setsyou apart from the competition As a journalist, you use natural language, youexpress yourself in a way that everyone can understand, and you are asobjective as possible. Likewise in advertising – what you write must be ofvalue to your reader.