Young people writing online articles part-time is becoming the most popular side job Slow focus on comments views collections minutes Release your eyes, put on your headphones, and listen~! B-side product managers need to conduct more in-depth user interviews, research, and analysis, while C-side product managers need more rapid user testing, feedback, and iterations More.
And more young people choose to write part-time on the Internet, or become a profes France Telegram Number Data riter, trying to support their lives with writing on online platforms. However, it may not be so easy to make money by creating online articles. Young people also need to understand the platform mechanism and more realities when investing in online article creation. When I was traveling in Tibet, I hiked during the day. When it was getting dark, I chose a quiet place to camp and cook.

After dinner, I wrote in the tent. I believe that the post-s Internet writer granted Tianqi this kind of The writing experience of freedom will make many young people yearn for it. In recent years, more and more young people have embarked on the career path of online writers, increasing their experience and income by writing novels part-time. As early as , the Portraits of Internet Literature Writers released by China Literature Group showed that the post-s writers accounted for of the total number of platform writers that year, and the post-s generation accounted for as high as of the new writers.