Let's assume that you want to eliminate a large amount of merchandise in your inventory at all costs, without losing out. By carrying out the get 3, pay 2 strategy , the consumer feels encouraged to buy not just two, but three products. This way, you make a profit and also guarantee the loss of merchandise that has been sitting in your store for a long time. 3. Progressive discount “I have a clothing store and I want to promote my product easily.” if this is your case, then the option is to use the progressive discount method . In this mechanic, the customer begins to receive a discount on the second piece purchased, meaning that, in the end, you determine how far the user goes. Let's assume that this is one of the internet advertising methods used by your company. Therefore, you announce this promotion and send the message that the customer will pay the full price for just one product.
Puts another item in the cart, he can get a 5% discount. And if it includes a third item, the discount goes to 10%, and so on. 4. Free shipping free shipping is one of the promotions most loved by consumers when Bank User Number Data you promote your product on the internet. This is because this type of sales promotion examples attracts the attention of users, who are increasingly won over by your brand. But for this strategy to be advantageous for your company, you need to make calculations to know if this discount is valid and will not affect your cash flow. If it is not possible to make it available for all products, determine a value to apply free shipping. This way, you can take advantage of one of the internet advertising methods most used by brands that want to win new customers. 5. Lucky bladders balloons are not just for making your store decor more eye-catching.

They can be used to give discounts on products! But how? Simple, just place a piece of paper containing the discount number inside the balloon and, when the customer pops it, you can discover the promotion they received on the products. 6. Professional days commemorative dates are not just the birthdays of your customers and your stores – which will probably be spread across brazil soon. If you look at the calendar, you will discover that there are different dates focused on a type of professional. For example, on teachers' day, celebrated on october 15th, provide special conditions for these professionals. Be creative and take advantage of these dates to boost your business with these sales promotion examples.