Ready for more? Learn from the best with these 36 best call to action phrases (ever) and these 20 call to action examples for newsletter signups.Brad SmithMEET THE AUTHORBrad SmithBrad Smith is the founder of Codeless, long-form content creators for SaaS companies. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Business Insider, TheNextWeb, Shopify, Moz, Unbounce, HubSpot, Search Engine Journal, and more.See other posts by Brad SmithDo you remember the first time you saw someone wearing UGG boots? You probably gasped with disgust, thinking “oh man, those things are ugg-ly!” Fast forward a couple months later when you purchased a pair. Why did you do this? The answer is social proof. As you stormed through the hallways you noticed that all of your closest friends and older idols started sporting UGG boots.
Every fashion website you visited raved about them, and your favorite celebrities were photographed wearing Benin WhatsApp Number them in every gossip magazine. How could you not jump on the bandwagon?Social Proof GuideThis story demonstrates the power that social proof can have to influence a buyer to purchase. Whether it be a B2B software solution or a consumer product like a pair of ugly winter boots, social proof can shift our perceptions and push us down the funnel to convert.What Is Social Proof?According to Unbounce, social proof is “the positive influence that’s generated when people find out that ‘everybody’s doing it.’ Building social proof into your offer in the form of testimonials, reviews, or trust seals is a great way to generate interest, increase credibility and drive more conversions.

Social proof is a convincing endorsement of your business, products, or offerings. like social selling.Social Proof and decision makingThe Flavors of Social ProofSocial proof can come in multiple flavors. Here are a few of the most common:Industry ExpertsIn every industry there are individuals who have become well-known and sought after industry experts. For instance if you’re an SEO consultant, and you get an endorsement on your website from Rand Fishkin (who is often regarded as the father of SEO) then your website visitors will feel encouraged to move forward with your services.