The further this path is, the more points there are on its route. More points - more requests - longer wait. CDN allows you to shorten this route due to the placement of information on servers distributed throughout the World. With a good Internet connection, the user will not notice much of a difference between connecting to a CDN and a regular server. But with a slow connection this difference is noticeable. In addition, Google is more willing to display AMP pages in search results in a carousel format. Example of AMP pages in carousel format in Google results
Example of AMP pages in carousel format in Google results Afghanistan WhatsApp Number Let's summarize the advantages of AMP: fast page loading; taking into account loading speed when ranking search results; pre-caching of pages in Google; faster transition to the page with a poor Internet connection. Disadvantages of AMP Often, high page loading speed entails significant reductions in their functionality and simplification of the site design., such as shopping carts or contact forms, on AMP pages is generally possible. But it will require

significantly more time and effort compared to a regular website. Because AMP pages use specific HTML markup, so their development requires a specialist with knowledge of this technology. Such services, as a rule, result in additional financial costs .Therefore, before implementing a “cool thing” on a website, it is worth assessing the feasibility of such a solution for business.