Replace with characteristic symbols to visualize information →Let's replace it with a symbol that represents it so that it's easier to understand at a glance. ・Remove unnecessary elements →Simple pictograms are the best! If there are too many unnecessary elements, it will be difficult for users to remember, so keep your design as simple as possible. Please remove unnecessary elements to the point where the meaning can be conveyed with just this. From SEO measures and content marketing to web production and web marketing. Please feel free to contact us. Please contact us for a free consultation or inquiry . Points for creating pictograms: size and color Pictograms need a sense of unity.
Especially if you are using them on cell phone numbers list the same site, try to create them with a consistent size, color, and style. Please be aware that mixing pictograms of different sizes and styles on the same page or site can give a negative impression. From SEO measures and content marketing to web production and web marketing. Please feel free to contact us. Please contact us for a free consultation or inquiry . Points for creating pictograms: line thickness, corner shape If the pictogram is surrounded by a rectangular frame, try to keep the line thickness and corner shape (such as whether the corners are rounded) the same. Generally, rounded corners create a softer image. Especially if you plan to update the site or add pages/content in the future, it is recommended to decide on specific values for the thickness of the border, the shape of the corners, the radius of the rounded corners, etc.

It will also go smoothly. Make good use of pictograms! Pictograms that we often see and use casually. Pictograms are simple visual symbols that are useful for conveying necessary information to anyone without using words. On websites and homepages, pictograms can quickly convey information to users at a glance, and are especially effective when viewing sites on small-screen devices such as smartphones and tablets. In addition, by placing pictograms appropriately, you can increase the ``understandability'' and ``usability'' of your site, which in turn can prevent users from leaving the site and lead to conversions. You can of course create your own pictograms, or download them from commercially available sites, so please make good use of pictograms to create attractive websites and homepages.