Reviews of local restaurants activities and attractions . How many times have your customers asked you for suggestions on typical places to dine or which attractions are absolutely unmissable. Every customer who has a minimum amount of experience with the internet is able to obtain a list for example of the best restaurants in the area. By demonstrating that you know these places well you can be considered the most suitable person to ask what to eat. Use WhatsApp to let your new guests know about the guides youve written on your blog.
Extra. Our platform and the advanced online course of WhatsApp Marketing for hotels WhatsApp marketing course for hoteliers Here in detail is how our offer is made up Creation of a promotional campaign on Facebook Phone Number Data to raise awareness of your exclusive promotion and to bring traffic to the landing Facebook Ads budget cost excluded Creation of a personalized landing in graphics and content containing the promotion reserved for those who sign up to your WhatsApp platform aimed at converting visitors into contacts Creation of a Google Sheets spreadsheet for contact collection telephone numbers and personal information interests useful for classifying the contact and connection.
With the landing for the automatic import of contacts Advanced training course on WhatsApp Business hours with our Conversational Marketing expert If you are already a Swimme customer or want to become one the price reserved for you is . . In addition to this initial cost the license and maintenance cost of the service of per month must be added. This treatment is reserved for Swimme customers only but if you already have a website and dont intend to redo it you can still purchase our platform giving up the customer discount. For more information do not hesitate to contact us or visit the page of our blog dedicated to WhatsApp Marketing or the mini guide on how to attract customers to a hotel.