The budget depends on various factors . Among other things, your goals, the online behavior of customers and the channels they use. You can also set a certain percentage of your expected sales as a guideline for your budget size. To calculate sales, you need empirical values, such as costs or the number of leads gained from previous years. You should ask yourself how you can achieve your goals using as few resources as possible. It is then important to define your target group .
You want to target and describe them based on demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. For example, you can include age, marital status, education, occupation and Phone Number income in the analysis. Your unknown target persons become increasingly definable buyer personas. Decide what type of content will be created for each sales channel and what value it will bring to the customer. 3. Idea gathering and prioritization At the beginning you should collect all ideas for possible content, for example in the form of a mind map. In this step, do not determine the formats for distributing the content, but instead focus on collecting ideas.
You can then prioritize these according to which ones are most likely to contribute to achieving your goals and involve low costs . 4. Content creation When creating content, it is important that the core message of your marketing campaign is consistently recognizable across all sales channels. It should also be taken into account that all content created corresponds to your goal and therefore leads to the desired result. To do this, you should use your content to address potential customers from every phase of the buying process ( Buyers Journey ).