THE ULTIMATE BUYER PERSONA GENERATOR 2. Basing Personas Off Assumptions Another common buyer personas mistake is assuming you know exactly who your ideal or target customer is and what they want. Buyer personas aren’t based on who you think or wish your customers are. Therefore, they are not 100 percent fictional. Instead, they’re only somewhat fictional. When creating buyer personas, it is crucial that you base these profiles off of real customer behaviors, data, and demographics that you learn through interviewing customers and knowledge that your company currently has.
So, while you definitely need to speak to your customer support and sales teams to learn data that can help build your buyer personas, you also need to consider setting up interviews with some of your best customers. Otherwise, you run the risk of creating Bahrain WhatsApp Number buyer personas that are too broad or too narrow. When interviewing customers, make sure to ask questions that are related to their goals, challenges, business, job role, personal background, and more. of assumptions instead of facts, you run the huge risk of missing some of the most important insights that can have a positive impact on your messaging and customer relationships.
Creating Personas in a Marketing Bubble It isn’t uncommon for businesses to assume that buyer personas are only marketing-related. However, this is a huge mistake, as these types of personas are almost always inaccurate.Buyer personas should be created and used across all departments in the company. All departments play a role in the sales funnel, and because of this, each department can benefit from helping to define the ideal customer. The marketing team will use buyer personas to attract the right customers, whereas the sales team will use these profiles to engage with potential customers.