Following this piece of information I guide her through the process layer by layer and finally we found the unmet deep nee hidden behind this emotion and physical feeling I nee to be accepte I nee to be respecte. nee was satisfie in a house with floortoceiling windows the sun shines in and I am doing yoga and meitation. I am wearing a light pink sports bra gray yoga pants and my his expression is very confident peaceful and happy. So I aske if xiaoyue in the picture also saw you now what would she say to you she told me that you have to be firm in your choices and stick to whatever you want to do.
I am who I am and I am good now. My selfworth does not nee to be determine by France WhatsApp Number Data external achievements. I am good now and I am sure. In the good moment I like to respect myself and I dont nee to rely on the outside world. Initially when she came to me she had a very repulsive emotion anger. She wante to resolve this negative emotion and at the same time she also hope that she would not do it again and again because of other peoples negation doubt and contempt. Threes angry. However as we explore this emotion in depth she discovere that behind this negative emotion there were hidden deep unmet nees I nee to be accepte I nee to be respecte.

And this unsatisfie deep nee is the essential root cause of this negative emotion occurring again and again . Through our conversation she complete the transformation from negative to positive so the previous anger disappeare her chest stoppe swelling and was replace by extreme freeom and a wonderful sense of completeness. Later she told me that after that oneonone coaching session she had undergone great changes her temper was much better and at the same time she looke at the world others and herself completely differently than before. Feelings. I have always felt that the positive nees hidden deep in our hearts are like a child with a stupid mouth who cannot express his thoughts in a clear and direct way