Show empathy and involvement Your brand does not exist in a vacuum, but is part of an increasingly complex society. A society in which many things go well, but which are far from perfect. It doesn't help to pretend it isn't. It is therefore as a brand. For some brands, this also means that you have to be able to make a political statement every now and then. Many companies find this terrifying, because they are afraid to alienate part of the target group. Yet the reverse is rather true.
A brand that doesn't move does not build a bond with anyone. In addition, the people you alienate with a political statement were most likely not fans of your products anyway. All the startups here successfully capture the attention of their target audience in their own way, but the photo editor most successful are those that manage to combine individual needs and tackle systemic problems. In 2022, startups need to meet customers where they are, help them move forward and shine a light on unforeseen issues.

To achieve this level of success, use this simple yet powerful framework: Focus on your purpose A nice interface doesn't make it anymore. Authentic brands that commit and 'talk the talk, walk the walk' prevail. To get started, choose or define a mission that aligns with your company's DNA. Find your “underdog” and make room for diversity in your process There is great value to be captured through small niches. Don't leave anyone behind. There are big companies in the smallest niches. Starting small is the secret to success in the startup world.